The modified gamma distribution PSD

The form of the modified gamma distribution (MGD) used here is as follows:

\[\frac{N(X)}{dX} = N \frac{\nu}{\Gamma(1 + \alpha)}\lambda^{\nu(1 + \alpha)} D^{\nu(1 + \alpha) - 1} \cdot \exp \{-(\lambda D)^\nu\}.\]

The distribution is described by four parameters:

  1. The intercept parameter \(N\)
  2. The slope parameter \(\lambda\)
  3. The shape parameter \(\alpha\)
  4. The parameter \(\nu\)
class parts.scattering.psd.modified_gamma.ModifiedGamma(size_parameter, intercept_parameter=None, alpha=None, lmbd=None, nu=None)[source]

Bases: parts.scattering.psd.arts.arts_psd.ArtsPSD

The ModifiedGamma class describes the size distribution of scattering particles in an atmosphere using the four parameters of the particle size distribution.


Computes the values of this modified gamma distribution evaluated at the given size grid x.


x(numpy.array): Array containing the values of the size parameter at which to evaluate the PSD.


PSDData object containing the numeric PSD data obtained by evaluating this PSD at the given values of the size parameter.

Computes the mass density :math: rho_m for the given bulk elements using

\[\rho_m = a \cdot M(b).\]

where \(a\) and \(b\) are the coefficients of the mass-size relation of the size parameter.


numpy.ndarray containing the mass density corresponding to each volume element described by the PSD.
get_moment(p, reference_size_parameter=None)[source]

Computes the \(p\) th moment \(M(p)\) of the PSD using

\[M(p) = \frac{N}{\lambda} \frac{\Gamma (1 + \alpha + p / \nu )} {\Gamma({1 + \alpha})}.\]
p(np.float): Which moment of the PSD to compute.
Exception: If any of the parameters of the PSD is not set.

The free parameters of the PSD.


ARTS agenda that contains the call to the WSM that computed this PSD.