The ArtsPSD class

class parts.scattering.psd.arts.arts_psd.ArtsPSD(size_parameter, t_min=0.0, t_max=999.0)[source]

Bases: object

The interface for ARTS PSDs.

In ARTS, A PSD for a given scattering property is defined by the corresponding agenda in the pnd_agenda_array. The task of the ArtsPSD class is to provide this agenda together with the names of the moments of the distribution.


size_parameter_names(dict): Dictionary that translates the
SizeParameterEnum into the corresponding name of the size parameter in ARTS.

The ARTS agenda representing the PSD. Should be used as pnd_agenda in the ARTS pnd_agenda_array.


List of strings that contains the names of the moments of the PSD. This is used in the ARTS particle_bulkrprop_names and as name for the data requested from the data provider.


The WSM call that is used to compute the PSD in ARTS.