The Delanoë (2014) PSD

The D14 particle size distribution as proposed by Delanoë in [delanoe2014] uses a normalized form of the modified gamma distribution, parametrized as follows:

\[\frac{dN(X)}{dX} = N_0^* \beta \frac{\Gamma(4)}{4^4} \frac{\Gamma(\frac{\alpha + 5}{\beta})^{(4 + \alpha)}} {\Gamma(\frac{\alpha + 4}{\beta})^{(5 + \alpha)}} X^\alpha \exp \left \{- \left (X \frac{\Gamma(\frac{\alpha + 5}{\beta})} {\Gamma(\frac{\alpha + 4}{\beta})} \right )^\beta \right \},\]

The parameter X is defined as the volume equivalent sphere diameter \(D_{eq}\) normalized by the mass-weighted mean diameter:

\[X = \frac{D_{eq}}{D_m}\]
The PSD is thus parametrized by four parameters:
  • \(N_0^*\), here called the intercept parameter
  • \(D_m\), the mass-weighted mean diameter
  • the shape parameters \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)

Of these, \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are assumed constant, while \(N_0\) and \(D_m\) are the free parameters that descibe the particles throughout the atmosphere.

The particle mass density \(\rho_m\) per bulk volume can be computed from \(N_0\) and \(D_m\) using:

\[\rho_m = \frac{\Gamma(4)}{4^4}\frac{\pi \rho}{6}N_0^*D_m^4\]

In this module, two implementations of the D14 PSD are provided:

  • the D14 class that uses the mass-density and \(D_m\) as moments of the PSD
  • the D14N :class that uses the intercept parameter \(N_0^*\) and \(D_m\) as moments of the PSD
class parts.scattering.psd.d14.D14(alpha, beta, rho=917.0, mass_density=None, mass_weighted_diameter=None)[source]

Bases: parts.scattering.psd.arts.arts_psd.ArtsPSD

Implementation of the D14 PSD that uses mass density :math:`
ho_m` and
the mass-weighted mean diamter \(D_m\) as free parameters.

Compute value of the particle size distribution for given values of the size parameter.

x(numpy.array): Array containing the values of \(D_eq\) at which to
compute the number density.


Array dNdD_eq containing the computed values of the PSD. The first dimensions of dNdD_eq correspond to the shape of the n0 parameter and the last dimension to the size parameter.
classmethod from_psd_data(psd, alpha, beta, rho)[source]

Create an instance of the D14 PSD from existing PSD data.

psd: A numeric or analytic representation of
a PSD.

alpha(numpy.ndarray): The \(alpha\) parameter of the to use for the D14 PSD.

beta(numpy.ndarray): The \(beta\) parameter of the to use for the D14 PSD.

rho(numpy.float): The density to use for the D14 PSD

Array containing the mass density for all the bulk volumes described by this PSD.
get_moment(p, reference_size_parameter=None)[source]

Computes the moments of the PSD analytically.


p(numpy.float): Wich moment of the PSD to compute

reference_size_parameter(SizeParameter): Size parameter with respect to which the moment should be computed.


Array containing the \(p\) th moment of the PSD.

List of strings that contains the names of the moments of the PSD. This is used in the ARTS particle_bulkrprop_names and as name for the data requested from the data provider.


The WSM call that is used to compute the PSD in ARTS.

class parts.scattering.psd.d14.D14MN(alpha, beta, rho=917.0, mass_density=None, intercept_parameter=None)[source]

Bases: parts.scattering.psd.d14.D14N

Implementation of the D14 PSD that uses mass density $m$ and intercept parameter \(N_0^*\) as free parameters.


Compute value of the particle size distribution for given values of the size parameter.

x(numpy.array): Array containing the values of \(D_eq\) at which to
compute the number density.


Array dNdD_eq containing the computed values of the PSD. The first dimensions of dNdD_eq correspond to the shape of the n0 parameter and the last dimension to the size parameter.
Array containing the mass density for all the bulk volumes described by this PSD.

List of strings that contains the names of the moments of the PSD. This is used in the ARTS particle_bulkrprop_names and as name for the data requested from the data provider.


The WSM call that is used to compute the PSD in ARTS.

class parts.scattering.psd.d14.D14N(alpha, beta, rho=917.0, intercept_parameter=None, mass_weighted_diameter=None)[source]

Bases: parts.scattering.psd.arts.arts_psd.ArtsPSD

Implementation of the D14 PSD that uses the intercept parameter \(N_0^*\) and the mass-weighted mean diamter \(D_m\) as free parameters.


Compute value of the particle size distribution for given values of the size parameter.

x(numpy.array): Array containing the values of \(D_eq\) at which to
compute the number density.


Array dNdD_eq containing the computed values of the PSD. The first dimensions of dNdD_eq correspond to the shape of the n0 parameter and the last dimension to the size parameter.
classmethod from_psd_data(psd, alpha, beta, rho)[source]

Create an instance of the D14 PSD from existing PSD data.

psd: A numeric or analytic representation of
a PSD.

alpha(numpy.ndarray): The \(alpha\) parameter of the to use for the D14 PSD.

beta(numpy.ndarray): The \(beta\) parameter of the to use for the D14 PSD.

rho(numpy.float): The density to use for the D14 PSD

Array containing the mass density for all the bulk volumes described by this PSD.
get_moment(p, reference_size_parameter=None)[source]

Computes the moments of the PSD analytically.

The physical significance of a moment of a PSD depends on the size parameter. So in general, the moments of the same PSD given w.r.t. different size parameters differ. If the reference_size_parameter argument is given then the computed moment will correspond to the Moment of the PSD w.r.t. to the given size parameter.


p(numpy.float): Wich moment of the PSD to compute

reference_size_parameter(SizeParameter): Size parameter with respect to which the moment should be computed.


Array containing the \(p\) th moment of the PSD.

List of strings that contains the names of the moments of the PSD. This is used in the ARTS particle_bulkrprop_names and as name for the data requested from the data provider.


The WSM call that is used to compute the PSD in ARTS.

parts.scattering.psd.d14.evaluate_d14(x, n0, dm, alpha, beta)[source]

Compute the particle size distribution of the D14 PSD.


x(numpy.array): 1D array containing the values of the size parameter
\(D_{eq}\) at which to evaluate the PSD. If x is not 1D it will be flattened.
n0(numpy.array or scalar): Array containing the values of the
intercept parameter for which the PSD should be evaluated.
dm(numpy.array or scalar): Array containing the values of the mass
weighted mean diameter at which to evaluate the PSD. Must be broadcastable to the shape of n0
alpha(numpy.array or scalar): Array containing the values of the
\(alpha\) parameter a which to evaulate the PSD. Must be broadcastable to the shape of :code: n0
beta(numpy.array or scalar): Array containing the values of the
\(beta\) parameter a which to evaulate the PSD. Must be broadcastable to the shape of :code: n0


Array dNdD_eq containing the computed values of the PSD. The first dimensions of dNdD_eq correspond to the shape of the n0 parameter and the last dimension to the size parameter.