

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.AbsorptionSpecies(name, catalog=None, cia=None, frequency_range=None, isotopologues=None, model=None, on_the_fly=True, zeeman=False)[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.atmospheric_quantity.AtmosphericQuantity, parts.retrieval.RetrievalQuantity


Return the class object that holds the actual implementation of the Jacobian calculation.


Return the class object that holds the actual implementation of the Jacobian calculation.

set_from_x(ws, x)[source]

Set method that sets the value of the retrieval quantity to a given a priori state.

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.CloudWater(catalog=None, cia=None, frequency_range=None, isotopologues=None, model='MPM93', on_the_fly=True, zeeman=False)[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.absorption.AbsorptionSpecies

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.H2O(catalog=None, cia=None, frequency_range=None, isotopologues=None, model=None, on_the_fly=True, zeeman=False)[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.absorption.AbsorptionSpecies

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.Jacobian(quantity, index)[source]

Bases: parts.jacobian.JacobianBase, parts.arts_object.ArtsObject


This method should call the jacobianAdd... method corresponding to the quantity on the given workspace ws.

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.N2(catalog=None, cia=None, frequency_range=None, isotopologues=None, model='SelfContStandardType', on_the_fly=True, zeeman=False)[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.absorption.AbsorptionSpecies

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.O2(catalog=None, cia=None, frequency_range=None, isotopologues=None, model='PWR93', on_the_fly=True, zeeman=False)[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.absorption.AbsorptionSpecies

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.Relative(x_ref)[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.absorption.Unit

In relative units, the amount of a quantity is specified relative to a reference profile or field.

If this unit is used in a Jacobian calculation, then the Jacobian is calculated w.r.t. a relative perturbation.

If this unit is used in the retrieval, values in the state vector are interpreted as multiplicative perturbations of the reference profile or field.

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.RelativeHumidity[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.absorption.Unit

Relative humidity is available only for the retrieval of H2O.

from_arts(ws, vmr)[source]

Converts a value given in ARTS vmr units back to relative humidity.


ws(typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace): Workspace object
which contains pressure grid and temperature field required for the conversion.
vmr(numpy.ndarray): Values in ARTS vmr units to convert
to relative humidity.


numpy.ndarray containing the converted RH values.
to_arts(ws, rh)[source]

Converts value given in relative humidity units to ARTS vmr units.


ws(typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace): Workspace object
which contains pressure grid and temperature field required for the converstion.

rh(numpy.ndarray): Relative humidity values to convert.


numpy.ndarray containing the converted RH values.
class parts.atmosphere.absorption.Retrieval(quantity, index)[source]

Bases: parts.retrieval.RetrievalBase, parts.atmosphere.absorption.Jacobian

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.Unit[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for classes representing units used for the calculation of Jacobians and retrievals of absorption species.

class parts.atmosphere.absorption.VMR[source]

Bases: parts.atmosphere.absorption.Unit

VMR is the default unit used for absorption species in ARTS. If this unit is used value from the state vector are plugged in as they are into the ARTS vmr field.

from_arts(ws, x)[source]

Does nothing.

to_arts(ws, x)[source]

Does nothing.