Source code for parts.atmosphere.absorption


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from parts.atmosphere.atmospheric_quantity \
    import AtmosphericQuantity, extend_dimensions

from parts.arts_object import ArtsObject, arts_property
from parts.jacobian    import JacobianBase
from parts.retrieval   import RetrievalBase, RetrievalQuantity

import numpy as np
from typhon.arts.workspace import arts_agenda
from typhon.physics.atmosphere import vmr2relative_humidity, \

# Retrieval units

[docs]class Unit(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for classes representing units used for the calculation of Jacobians and retrievals of absorption species. """ def __init__(): pass @abstractmethod def to_arts(self, ws, x): pass @abstractmethod def from_arts(self, ws, x): pass @abstractproperty def arts_name(self): pass
[docs]class VMR(Unit): """ VMR is the default unit used for absorption species in ARTS. If this unit is used value from the state vector are plugged in as they are into the ARTS vmr field. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def to_arts(self, ws, x): """ Does nothing. """ return x
[docs] def from_arts(self, ws, x): """ Does nothing. """ return x
@property def arts_name(self): return "vmr"
[docs]class Relative(Unit): """ In relative units, the amount of a quantity is specified relative to a reference profile or field. If this unit is used in a Jacobian calculation, then the Jacobian is calculated w.r.t. a relative perturbation. If this unit is used in the retrieval, values in the state vector are interpreted as multiplicative perturbations of the reference profile or field. """ def __init__(self, x_ref): self.x_ref = x_ref def to_arts(self, ws, x): return self.x_ref * x def from_arts(self, ws, y): return y / self.x_ref @property def arts_name(self): return "rel"
[docs]class RelativeHumidity(Unit): """ Relative humidity is available only for the retrieval of H2O. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def to_arts(self, ws, rh): """ Converts value given in relative humidity units to ARTS vmr units. Arguments: ws(:code:`typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace`): Workspace object which contains pressure grid and temperature field required for the converstion. rh(:code:`numpy.ndarray`): Relative humidity values to convert. Returns: :code:`numpy.ndarray` containing the converted RH values. """ p = ws.p_grid.value.reshape(-1, 1, 1) t = ws.t_field.value vmr = relative_humidity2vmr(rh, p, t) return vmr
[docs] def from_arts(self, ws, vmr): """ Converts a value given in ARTS vmr units back to relative humidity. Arguments: ws(:code:`typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace`): Workspace object which contains pressure grid and temperature field required for the conversion. vmr(:code:`numpy.ndarray`): Values in ARTS vmr units to convert to relative humidity. Returns: :code:`numpy.ndarray` containing the converted RH values. """ p = ws.p_grid.value.reshape(-1, 1, 1) t = ws.t_field.value rh = vmr2relative_humidity(vmr, p, t) return rh
@property def arts_name(self): return "rh"
################################################################################ # The Jacobian class ################################################################################
[docs]class Jacobian(JacobianBase, ArtsObject): @arts_property("Numeric") def perturbation(self): return 0.01 def __init__(self, quantity, index): JacobianBase.__init__(self, quantity, index) ArtsObject.__init__(self) self.unit = VMR() self.method = "analytical" self.for_species_tag = 1 self.dx = 0.001 def _make_setup_kwargs(self, ws): kwargs = self.get_grids(ws) kwargs.update({"species" : self.quantity.get_tag_string(), "method" : self.method, "unit" : self.unit.arts_name, "for_species_tag" : self.for_species_tag, "dx" : self.dx}) return kwargs
[docs] def setup(self, ws): kwargs = self._make_setup_kwargs(ws) ws.jacobianAddAbsSpecies(**kwargs)
[docs]class Retrieval(RetrievalBase, Jacobian): def __init__(self, quantity, index): super().__init__(quantity, index) def add(self, ws): ws.retrievalAddAbsSpecies(**self._make_setup_kwargs(ws))
[docs]class AbsorptionSpecies(AtmosphericQuantity, RetrievalQuantity): def __init__(self, name, catalog = None, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = None, on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False): AtmosphericQuantity.__init__(self, name, (0, 0, 0)) RetrievalQuantity.__init__(self) self._dimensions = (0, 0, 0) self._catalog = catalog self._cia = cia self._frequency_range = frequency_range self._isotopologues = isotopologues self._jacobian = None self._model = model self._on_the_fly = on_the_fly self._retrieval = None self._zeeman = zeeman # # Abstract properties # def dimensions(self): return self._dimensions # # Properties # @property def catalog(self): return self._catalog @property def cia(self): return self._cia @property def isotopologues(self): return self._isotopologues @property def model(self): return self._model @property def frequency_range(self): return self._frequency_range @property def on_the_fly(self): return self._on_the_fly @property def zeeman(self): return self._zeeman def get_tag_string(self): ts = self._name ts += "-" if self._zeeman: ts += "Z" ts += "-" if not self._isotopologues is None: ts += self._isotopologues ts += "-" if self._model: ts += self._model ts += "-" if self._frequency_range: ts += str(self._frequency_range[0]) ts += "-" ts += str(self._frequency_range[1]) return ts # # Jacobian & retrieval # @property def jacobian_class(self): return Jacobian @property def retrieval_class(self): return Retrieval
[docs] def set_from_x(self, ws, x): grids = [ws.p_grid.value, ws.lat_grid.value, ws.lon_grid.value] grids = [g for g in grids if g.size > 0] y = self.retrieval.interpolate_to_grids(x, grids) x = self.transformation.invert(y) x = x.reshape(ws.vmr_field.value.shape[1:]) unit = self.retrieval.unit x = unit.to_arts(ws, x) ws.vmr_field.value[self._wsv_index, :, :, :] = x
# # Retrieval # @property def retrieved(self): return not self._retrieval is None # # Abstract methods # def setup(self, ws, i): self._wsv_index = i def get_data(self, ws, provider, *args, **kwargs): if not self.retrieved: dimensions = ws.t_field.shape f = provider.__getattribute__("get_" + x = f(*args, **kwargs) x = extend_dimensions(x) if not x.shape == dimensions: raise Exception("Shape of {0} field is inconsistent with " "the dimensions of the atmosphere." .format( ws.vmr_field.value[self._wsv_index, :, :, :] = x
[docs]class H2O(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, catalog = None, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = None, on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False): super().__init__("H2O", catalog = catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = "PWR98", on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman)
[docs]class N2(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, catalog = None, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = "SelfContStandardType", on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False): super().__init__("N2", catalog = catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = model, on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman)
[docs]class O2(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, catalog = None, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = "PWR93", on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False): super().__init__("O2", catalog = catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = model, on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman)
[docs]class CloudWater(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, catalog = None, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = "MPM93", on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False): super().__init__("cloud_water", catalog = catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = model, on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman) def get_tag_string(self): ts = "liquidcloud" ts += "-" if self._model: ts += self._model ts += "-" return ts