The model atmosphere

class parts.atmosphere.atmosphere.Temperature(atmosphere)[source]

Bases: parts.retrieval.RetrievalQuantity


Return the class object that holds the actual implementation of the Jacobian calculation.


Return the class object that holds the actual implementation of the Jacobian calculation.

set_from_x(ws, xa)[source]

Set method that sets the value of the retrieval quantity to a given a priori state.

class parts.atmosphere.atmosphere.TemperatureJacobian(quantity, index, p_grid=[], lat_grid=[], lon_grid=[], hse='on')[source]

Bases: parts.jacobian.JacobianBase

setup(ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs)[source]

This method should call the jacobianAdd... method corresponding to the quantity on the given workspace ws.

class parts.atmosphere.atmosphere.TemperatureRetrieval(quantity, index, p_grid=[], lat_grid=[], lon_grid=[], hse='on')[source]

Bases: parts.retrieval.RetrievalBase, parts.atmosphere.atmosphere.TemperatureJacobian