Source code for parts.scattering.solvers


This module contains scattering solver classes that represent the
different scattering solver class that are available in ARTS.

It provides the abstract :class:`ScatteringSolver` class which defines
the general scattering solver interface as well as concrete implementations
of solvers available in ARTS.

import numpy as np
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from typhon.arts.workspace.methods import workspace_methods
from typhon.arts.workspace.variables import workspace_variables

wsv = workspace_variables
wsm = workspace_methods

# Scattering solver

[docs]class ScatteringSolver(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class that defines the scattering solver interface. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def make_solver_call(self, sensor): """ This method should return a function :code:`run(ws)` that runs the scattering solver on a given workspace :code:`ws`. This function is called for each sensor before the corresponding pencil beam calculations are performed. To be used within a retrieval this method must be convertible to an ARTS agenda. """ pass
################################################################################ # RT4 solver ################################################################################
[docs]class RT4(ScatteringSolver): def __init__(self, nstreams = 8, pfct_method = "median", quad_type = "D", add_straight_angles = 1, pfct_aa_grid_size = 38, auto_inc_nstreams = 8, robust = 1): self._nstreams = nstreams self._pfct_method = pfct_method self._quad_type = quad_type self._add_straight_angles = add_straight_angles self._pfct_aa_grid_size = pfct_aa_grid_size self._auto_inc_nstreams = auto_inc_nstreams self._robust = robust # # Properties # @property def nstreams(self): return self._nstreams @property def pfct_method(self): return self._pfct_method @property def quad_type(self): return self._quad_type @property def add_straight_angles(self): return self._add_straight_angles @property def pfct_aa_grid_size(self): return self._pfct_aa_grid_size @property def auto_inc_nstreams(self): return self._auto_inc_nstreams @property def robust(self): return self._robust
[docs] def make_solver_call(self, sensor): args = sensor.get_wsm_args(wsm["RT4Calc"]) def run_solver(ws): ws.RT4Calc(*args, nstreams = self._nstreams, pfct_method = self._pfct_method, quad_type = self._quad_type, add_straight_angles = self._add_straight_angles, pfct_aa_grid_size = self._pfct_aa_grid_size, auto_inc_nstreams = self._auto_inc_nstreams, robust = self.robust) return run_solver
[docs]class Disort(ScatteringSolver): def __init__(self, nstreams = 8, pfct_method = "interpolate", new_optprop = 1, Npfct = 181): self._nstreams = nstreams self._pfct_method = pfct_method self._new_optprop = new_optprop self._Npfct = Npfct
[docs] def make_solver_call(self, sensor): args = sensor.get_wsm_args(wsm["DisortCalcWithARTSSurface"]) args_scat_data = sensor.get_wsm_args(wsm["scat_data_checkedCalc"]) def run_solver(ws): ws.Ignore(ws.atmosphere_dim) ws.DOAngularGridsSet(N_za_grid = 38, N_aa_grid = 1, za_grid_opt_file = "") ws.DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(*args, nstreams = self._nstreams, pfct_method = self._pfct_method, new_optprop = self._new_optprop, Npfct = self._Npfct) return run_solver