Source code for parts.scattering.psd.my05

The Milbrandt-Yau (2005) PSD

The Milbrandt-Yau (2005) PSD used in the GEM model uses a modified
gamma distribution of the form:

.. math::
    N(D_{max}) = N_0 D_{max}^\nu \exp(- \lambda D_{max} ^ \mu)

In this two-moment scheme, the number density :math:`\rho_n` and mass
density :math:`\rho_m`  are used as predictive moments. They can be related
to the :math:`N_0` and :math:`\lambda` parameters of the PSD using

.. math::
    \rho_n = \frac{N_0}{\mu} \lambda^{\frac{\nu}{\mu}}
             \Gamma (\frac{\nu + 1}{\mu})

    \rho_m = a\frac{N_0}{\mu} \lambda^{\frac{\nu + b}{\mu}}
             \Gamma ( \frac{\nu + 1 + b}{\mu} ),

where :math:`a, b` are the parameters of the mass-size relationship

.. math::
    M(D) = a \cdot D_{max}^b.

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.special import gamma
from typhon.arts.workspace import arts_agenda

from parts import dimensions as dim
from parts.scattering.psd.modified_gamma     import ModifiedGamma
from      import D_max
from parts.scattering.psd.arts.arts_psd import ArtsPSD
from import PSDData

[docs]class MY05(ArtsPSD): r""" The :class:`MY05` class describes the size distributions of particles in an atmosphere using the number density :math:`\rho_n` and mass density :math:`\rho_m` as predictive moments. The :math:`\nu` and :math:`\mu` parameters take on fixed values depending on the hydrometeor type. """ properties = [("number_density", (dim.p,, dim.lon), np.ndarray), ("mass_density", (dim.p,, dim.lon), np.ndarray), ("nu", (), np.float), ("mu", (), np.float)]
[docs] @classmethod def from_psd_data(self, psd, nu, mu, a, b): r""" Create a MY05 PSD from given psd data. Parameters: psd(PSDData or other PSD): PSD data from which to create the MY05 representation. nu(:code:`float`): :math:`\nu` parameter of MY05 PSD mu(:code:`float`): :math:`\mu` parameter of MY05 PSD a(:code:`float`): :math:`a` coefficient of the mass-size relationship b(:code:`float`): :math:`b` coefficient of the mass-size relationship """ size_parameter = D_max(a, b) number_density = psd.get_moment(0) mass_density = psd.get_mass_density() return MY05(nu, mu, a, b, None, number_density, mass_density)
def __init__(self, nu, mu, a, b, hydrometeor_type = None, number_density = None, mass_density = None): r""" Parameters: nu(:code:`numpy.float`): The :math:`\nu` parameter of the PSD mu(:code:`numpy.float`): The :math:`\mu` parameter of the PSD a(:code:`numpy.float`): The :math:`a` coefficient of the mass-size realtionship. b(:code:`numpy.float`): The :math:`b` coefficient of the mass-size realtionship. number_density(:code:`numpy.ndarray`): Array containing the number density for a given set of volume elements in an atmosphere. mass_density(:code:`numpy.ndarray`): Array containing the mass density for a given set of volume elements in an atmosphere. """ = nu = mu self.hydrometeor_type = hydrometeor_type if not number_density is None: self.number_density = number_density if not mass_density is None: self.mass_density = mass_density super().__init__(D_max(a, b)) def _get_parameters(self): """ Checks if parameters of the PSD are available and tries to broadcast them to the shape of the number density data. Converts the mass density and number density data to the :math:`N_0` and :math:`\lambda` parameters of the PSD function. Returns: :code:`tuple(n0, lmbd, mu, nu)` containing the four parameters of the PSD function. Raises: An exception if any of the parameters is not set or cannot be broadcasted into the shape of the number density data. """ # Number density n = self.number_density if n is None: raise Exception("The number density needs to be set to use" " this function.") shape = n.shape # Mass density m = self.mass_density if m is None: raise Exception("The mass density needs to be set to use" " this function.") try: m = np.broadcast_to(m, shape) except: raise Exception("Could not broadcast mass density to the shape" "of the provided intercept parameter N.") # Alpha parameter try: mu = np.broadcast_to(, shape) except: raise Exception("Could not broadcast alpha paramter to the shape" "of the provided intercept parameter N.") # Nu parameter try: nu = np.broadcast_to(, shape) except: raise Exception("Could not broadcast nu paramter to the shape" "of the provided intercept parameter N.") a = self.size_parameter.a b = self.size_parameter.b lmbd = (a * n) / m \ * gamma((nu + 1 + b) / mu) \ / gamma((nu + 1) / mu) lmbd = lmbd ** (mu / b) inds = np.logical_or(n == 0.0, m == 0.0) lmbd[inds] = 0.0 n0 = n * mu * lmbd ** ((nu + 1.0) / mu) / gamma((nu + 1.0) / mu) n0[inds] = 0.0 return n0, lmbd, mu, nu @property def moment_names(self): """ The names of the predictive moments of the PSD. """ return ["number_density", "mass_density"] @property def pnd_call_agenda(self): """ The ARTS WSM implementing the MY05 PSD. """ @arts_agenda def pnd_call(ws): ws.psdMY05(hydrometeor_type = self.hydrometeor_type, t_min = self.t_min, t_max = self.t_max) return pnd_call
[docs] def get_moment(self, p, reference_size_parameter = None): r""" Analytically computes the :math:`p` th moment :maht:`M(p)` of the PSD using .. math:: M(p) = \frac{N_0}{\mu} \lambda ^{-\frac{\nu + p + 1}{\mu}} \Gamma ( \frac{\nu + p + 1}{\mu}) Parameters: p(:code:`float`): Which moment of the distribution to compute. Returns: :code:`numpy.ndarray` containing the :math:`p` th moment for all volume elements described by the PSD. reference_size_parameter(:class: `SizeParameter`): Size parameter with respect to which the moment should be computed. """ if not reference_size_parameter is None: a1 = self.size_parameter.a b1 = self.size_parameter.b a2 = reference_size_parameter.a b2 = reference_size_parameter.b c = (a1 / a2) ** (p / b2) p = p * b1 / b2 else: c = 1.0 n0, lmbd, mu, nu = self._get_parameters() m = n0 / mu * lmbd ** (-(nu + p + 1) / mu) * gamma((nu + 1.0 + p) / mu) m[lmbd == 0.0] = 0.0 return c * m
[docs] def get_mass_density(self): r""" Returns: The :code:`numpy.ndarray` containing the mass density data of the PSD. """ a = self.size_parameter.a b = self.size_parameter.b return a * self.get_moment(b)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x): r""" Compute a numeric representation of the PSD data. Parameters: x(:code:`numpy.ndarray`): Array containing the values of the size parameter at which to evaluate the PSD. Returns: :code:`PSDData` object containing the numeric PSD data corresponding to this PSD. """ n0, lmbd, mu, nu = self._get_parameters() y = n0 * x ** nu * np.exp(- lmbd * x ** mu) return PSDData(x, y, self.size_parameter)