Source code for

PSD data

Particle size distribution (PSD) data consists of a range of particle
densities given w.r.t to a corresponding grid of particle sizes. This
module prvodies functionality for the handling of such PSD data.

Class reference
import numpy as np

# Size parameter classes

[docs]class SizeParameter: """ General representation of a size parameter of a PSD. The size parameter is represented by its mass-size relation, which gives the mass :math:`m` as a function of the size parameter :math:`X`: .. math:: m(X) = a \cdot X^b Attributes: a(numpy.float): The :math:`a` factor of the mass-size relation b(numpy.float): The :math:`b` exponent of the mass-size-relation """ def __init__(self, a, b): """ Create size parameter with given :math:`a` and :math:`b` parameters. """ self.a = a self.b = b
[docs] def convert(self, src, x, y): """ Conversion of PSD data given over one size parameter to another. Parameters: src(SizeParameter): The size parameter in which the PSD data is given. x(numpy.ndarray): The size grid over which the PSD data is given. Must be broadcastable into the shape of :code:`y`. y(numpy.ndarray): The PSD data with the last axis corresponding to the size grid :code:`x`. Returns: :code:`(x, y)`: Tuple containing the transformed size grid :code:`x` and PSD data :code:`y` """ x = (src.a / self.a) ** (1.0 / self.b) * x ** (src.b / self.b) y = y * (self.a / src.a) ** (1.0 / src.b) * (self.b / src.b) \ * x ** (self.b / src.b - 1.0) return x, y
[docs] def get_mass_density(self, x, y): """ Compute the mass of the PSD for given PSD data. Parameters: x(numpy.ndarray): The size grid over which the PSD data is given. Must be broadcastable into the shape of :code:`y`. y(numpy.ndarray): The PSD data with the last axis corresponding to the size grid :code:`x`. """ return np.trapz(self.a * x ** self.b * y, x)
[docs]class Area(SizeParameter): def __ini__(self, a, b): super().__init__(a, b)
[docs]class D_eq(SizeParameter): def __init__(self, rho): self.rho = rho super().__init__(self.rho * np.pi / 6.0, 3.0)
[docs]class D_max(SizeParameter): def __init__(self, a, b): super().__init__(a, b)
[docs]class Mass(SizeParameter): def __init__(self): super().__init__(1.0, 1.0)
################################################################################ # PSD Data ################################################################################
[docs]class PSDData: """ The :code:`PSDData` class handles PSD data given as a discrete distribution over a given size grid. The PSD data is stored as a :code:`numpy.ndarray` of which the last dimension is assumed to correspond to the size parameter. Attributes: data(numpy.array): The discrete PSD data. x(numpy.array): The size grid corresponding to the last dimension in :code:`data` size_parameter(SizeParameter): The size parameter used to represent the PSD. """ def __init__(self, x, data, size_parameter): """ Create a PSDData object from data. The particle number density values should be given as a 2D array :code:`data`, with the first dimenions corresponding to PSDs from different volume elements and the first dimension corresponding to the size paramter. Parameters: x(numpy.array): The size grid used for :code:`data` data(numpy.array): Array containing particle number density values size_paramter(SizeParameter): Enum representing the type of size parameter used. """ x_shape = (len(data.shape) - 1) * (1,) + (-1,) x = x.reshape(x_shape) if data.shape[-1] != x.shape[-1]: raise Exception("Size grid 'x' and PSD data 'y' must have the same"\ " number of elements along the last dimension.") = data self.x = x if not isinstance(size_parameter, SizeParameter): raise Exception("Provided size_parameter is not a valid value of " "of type SizeParameter.") self.size_parameter = size_parameter
[docs] def get_moment(self, p, reference_size_parameter = None): """ Compute the :math:`p` th moment :math:M(p) of the PSD data: .. math:: M(p) = \int_0^\infty X^P \frac{dN}{dX}(X)\:dX The physical significance of a moment of a PSD depends on the size parameter. So in general, the moments of the same PSD given w.r.t. different size parameters differ. If :code: `reference_size_parameter` argument is given then the computed moment will correspond to the Moment of the PSD w.r.t. to the given size parameter. Parameters: p(numpy.float): The moment which to compute. reference_size_parameter(:class: `SizeParameter`): Size parameter with respect to which the moment should be computed. Return: The :math:`p` th moment of the particle size distribution. """ if not reference_size_parameter is None: a1 = self.size_parameter.a b1 = self.size_parameter.b a2 = reference_size_parameter.a b2 = reference_size_parameter.b c = (a1 / a2) ** (p / b2) p = p * b1 / b2 else: c = 1.0 return c * np.trapz( * self.x ** p, x = self.x)
def __add__(self, other): """ Adds the data from two particle size distributions. For this the PSDs must be given w.r.t to the same size parameter type and grid. Parameters: other(:code:`PSDData`): The PSD to add. Returns: :code:`PSDData` object representing the sum of the two PSDs. """ # TODO: Make an abstract base class for PSDs if hasattr(other, "evaluate"): x2, _ = other.size_parameter.convert(self.size_parameter, self.x, other = other.evaluate(self.x2) other.change_size_parameter(self.size_parameter) if (not self.size_parameter.a == other.size_parameter.a) or \ (not self.size_parameter.b == other.size_parameter.b): raise Exception("Addition of PSD data is only defined for PSDs" " given w.r.t. the same size parameter.") if not np.all(np.isclose(self.x, other.x)): raise Exception("Addition of PSD data is only defined for PSDs" " defined over the same size grid.") size_parameter = self.size_parameter y = + x = self.x return PSDData(x, y, size_parameter)
[docs] def get_number_density(self): """ Computes the total particle number density (:math:`0` th moment). Returns: The particle number density for each volume element. """ return self.get_moment(p = 0)
[docs] def get_mass_density(self): """ Computes the particle mass density corresponding to the PSD data. Returns: Array containing the particle mass density for each of the bulk volumes described by the PSD data """ return self.size_parameter.get_mass_density(self.x,
[docs] def change_size_parameter(self, size_parameter): """ Change the size parameter of the data. Parameters: size_parameter(SizeParameter): The size parameter to convert the data to. rho(np.float): Particle density. """ self.x, = size_parameter.convert(self.size_parameter, self.x, self.size_parameter = size_parameter