Source code for parts.jacobian


The :code:`jacobian` module handles calculations of Jacobians in ARTS.
Functionality for computing Jacobians in ARTS is implemented through
three classes:

1. :class:`JacobianCalculation` handles the actual calculation of
   Jacobians and coordinates the interaction with the ARTS workspace.

2. :class:`JacobianQuantity` defines the general interface for quantities
   for which a Jacobian can be calculated and how to toggle the calculation
   of the Jacobian for a given quantity.

3. :class:`Jacobian` handles quantity-specific settings and results. This
   class must be defined for each Jacobian quantity separately.

Calculating Jacobians

To calculate the Jacobian of a quantity :code:`q` it suffices
to add it to the `jacobian` of the :class:`ArtsSimulation`:



This will add the quantity :code:`q` to the quantities for which a Jacobian
should be computed. Moreover it will instantiate the :class:`Jacobian` class
of the quantity :code:`q` and set the :code:`q.jacobian` property of :code:`q`.

It is important to note that :code:`simulation.jacobian` and :code:`q.jacobian`
are of different types: :code:`simulation.jacobian` is of type
:code:`JacobianCalculation` and handles the calculation of the Jacobian for
multiple quantities whereas :code:`q.jacobian` holds the settings and results
of the Jacobian calculation for :code:`q`.


import scipy as sp
import scipy.interpolate
import numpy as np

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty

from parts.sensor      import ActiveSensor, PassiveSensor
from parts.arts_object import ArtsObject, arts_property
from parts.arts_object import Dimension as dim

# Transformations

[docs]class Transformation(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for transformations of Jacobian quantities. ARTS allows the calculation of certain transformations of Jacobian quantities. In parts, these transformations are represented by subclasses of the :class:`Transformation` class, which defines the general interface for transformations of Jacobian quantities. The interface consists of two functions: - :code:`setup`: When the :code:`setup` function is called the transformation object is expected to call the appropriate workspace function so that the transformation is added to the most recently added JacobianQuantity. - :code:`__call__`: Transformation objects should be callable and calling them should apply the transformation to a given numeric argument. """ def __init__(self): pass @abstractmethod def setup(self, ws): pass @abstractmethod def __call__(self, x): pass @abstractmethod def invert(self, y): pass
[docs]class Log10(Transformation): """ The decadal logarithm transformation $f(x) = \log_{10}(x)$. """ def __init__(self): Transformation.__init__(self) def setup(self, ws): ws.jacobianSetFuncTransformation(transformation_func = "log10") def __call__(self, x): return np.log10(x) def invert(self, y): return 10.0 ** y
[docs]class Log(Transformation): """ The natural logarithm transformation $f(x) = \log_{10}(x)$. """ def __init__(self): pass def setup(self, ws): ws.jacobianSetFuncTransformation(transformation_func = "log") def __call__(self, x): return np.log(x) def invert(self, y): return np.exp(1) ** y
[docs]class Atanh(Transformation): def __init__(self): Transformation.__init__(self) ArtsObject.__init__(self) self.z_min = 0.0 self.z_max = 1.0 @arts_property("Numeric") def z_min(self): return 0.0 @arts_property("Numeric") def z_max(self): return 1.2 def setup(self, ws): ws.jacobianSetFuncTransformation(transformation_func = "atanh", z_min = self.z_min, z_max = self.z_max) def __call__(self, x): return np.arctanh(2.0 * (x - self.z_min) / (self.z_max - self.z_min) - 1) def invert(self, y): return (np.tanh(y) + 1) * 0.5 * (self.z_max - self.z_min) + self.z_min
[docs]class Identity(Transformation): """ The identity transformation $f(x) = x$. """ def __init__(self): pass def setup(self, ws): pass def __call__(self, x): return x def invert(self, y): return y
################################################################################ # JacobianCalculation ################################################################################
[docs]class JacobianCalculation: """ The :class:`JacobianCalculation` keeps track of the quantities for which to compute a Jacobian and coordinates their setup. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize an empty Jacobian calculation. """ self.jacobian_quantities = []
[docs] def add(self, jq): """ Add a quantity to list of quantities for which the Jacobian should be computed. Arguments: jq(:class:`JacobianQuantity`): Add Jacobian calculation for the given quantity. The quantity :code:`jq` must be an instance of the :class:`JacobianQuantity` abstract base class. """ jq.jacobian = jq.jacobian_class(jq, len(self.jacobian_quantities)) self.jacobian_quantities += [jq]
[docs] def setup(self, ws): """ Setup the Jacobian calculations on the given workspace. Initializes the definition of the Jacobian on the given workspace :code:`ws` by calling the :code:`jacobianInit` WSV on the given workspace. Calls the setup method for all quantities for which a Jacobian should be computed and finalizes the definition of the Jacobian by calling the :code:`jacobianClose` WSM. Arguments: ws(:code:`typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace`): Workspace object on which to setup the Jacobian calculation. """ if not self.jacobian_quantities: ws.jacobianOff() else: ws.jacobianInit() for jq in self.jacobian_quantities: jq.jacobian.setup(ws) jq.transformation.setup(ws) ws.jacobianClose()
################################################################################ # JacobianQuantity ################################################################################
[docs]class JacobianQuantity(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ Abstract interface for quantities for which a Jacobian can be computed. Quantities for which a Jacobian can be computed must expose a :code:`jacobian_class` which holds all quantity-specific WSM calls and settings required to compute its Jacobian. After a quantity has been added to the Jacobian quantities of a simulation, the :code:`jacobian_class` object representing the settings and results of the Jacobian calculation for this specific object can be accessed through its :code:`jacobian` property. """ def __init__(self): self._jacobian = None @abstractproperty def jacobian_class(self): """ Return the class object that holds the actual implementation of the Jacobian calculation. """ pass @property def jacobian(self): """ The :code:`jacobian_class` object holding the quantity-specific settings and actual results of the Jacobian calculations for this quantity. """ return self._jacobian @jacobian.setter def jacobian(self, j): if not isinstance(j, self.jacobian_class): #not isinstance(j, JacobianBase): raise ValueError("The jacobian property of a JacobianQuantity"\ " can only be set to an instance of the objects"\ "own jacobian_class.") else: self._jacobian = j
################################################################################ # JacobianBase ################################################################################
[docs]class JacobianBase(ArtsObject, metaclass = ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for the Jacobian classes that encapsulate the quantity-specific calls and settings of the Jacobian. This class muss be inherited by the :code:`jacobian_class` of each :code:`JacobianQuantity` object. """ @arts_property("Vector", shape = (dim.Joker,)) def p_grid(self): return np.zeros(0) @arts_property("Vector", shape = (dim.Joker,)) def lat_grid(self): return np.zeros(0) @arts_property("Vector", shape = (dim.Joker,)) def lon_grid(self): return np.zeros(0) def __init__(self, quantity, index): super().__init__() self.quantity = quantity self.index = index self.quantity.transformation = Identity() @property def name(self): return
[docs] @abstractmethod def setup(self, ws): """ This method should call the :code:`jacobianAdd...` method corresponding to the quantity on the given workspace :code:`ws`. """ pass
def get_grids(self, ws): if self.p_grid.size == 0: g1 = ws.p_grid else: g1 = self.p_grid if self.lat_grid.size == 0: g2 = ws.lat_grid else: g2 = self.lat_grid if self.lon_grid.size == 0: g3 = ws.lon_grid else: g3 = self.lon_grid return {"g1" : g1, "g2" : g2, "g3" : g3} def interpolate_to_grids(self, x, grids): retrieval_grids = [self.p_grid, self.lat_grid, self.lon_grid] used_grids = [] for i, g in enumerate(grids): if retrieval_grids[i].size == 0: used_grids += [g] else: used_grids += [retrieval_grids[i]] retrieval_grids = used_grids retrieval_grids_shape = [g.size for g in retrieval_grids] x = np.reshape(x, retrieval_grids_shape) x = x[::-1] retrieval_grids[0] = retrieval_grids[0][::-1] grids[0] = grids[0][::-1] interp = sp.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(retrieval_grids, x, method = "linear", bounds_error = False, fill_value = None) mesh_grids = np.meshgrid(grids) if len(mesh_grids) > 1: xi = np.transpose(np.stack(mesh_grids), axes = (0, -1)) else: xi = mesh_grids[0].reshape(-1, 1) y = interp(xi) grids_shape = [g.size for g in grids] y = np.reshape(y, grids_shape)[::-1] return y def get_data(self, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs): self.get_data_arts_properties(ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs)