Source code for parts.arts_object


The :code:`arts_object` module provides meta-programming functionality
that aims to simplify unified treatment of relevant ARTS variables.
The basic idea is to provide so called *ARTS properties*, which are
similar in concept to Python properties but extend their functionality to
simplify handling of variables that should be passed to the ARTS workspace.


From the user perspective, the purpose of ARTS properties is to provide
a simple interface to set ARTS parameters using attributes of Python
objects, hiding away boilerplate code related to the management of
these parameters. From the developer perspective they provide a unified
way to treat these variables as well as default methods for the
interaction with the ARTS workspace. The implementation of ARTS properties
is based on the
`Descriptor <>`_ protocol.


The typical usage scenario is that a Python class is used to represent
a conceptual unit grouping together various ARTS functionality and
variables. An example of this is for example the :class:`Sensor` class.
In ARTS, the sensor is described through a set of WSVs. ARTS properties
can then for example be used to expose the :code:`f_grid` WSV as an
attributes of the :code:`Sensor` class.


    class Sensor:
        def f_grid(group = "Vector", shape = (Dimension.Frq), wsv = f_grid):
             return None # No default value

User perspective

Seen from the user perspective, ARTS properties provide the following

1. Provision of default values
2. A unified protocol for the setting of simulation parameters

ARTS properties can be set using Python assignment syntax, i.e.


    sensor.f_grid = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

or they may be obtained from the :code:`data_provider` using the
appropriate get method when a concrete simulation is run. ARTS
properties impelement the required functionality to provide this
functionality to the user in an opaque manner.

Developer perspective

For the developer, the purpose of ARTS properties is to provide
meta-programming functionality to simplify the handling of ARTS-related
variables. It provides default methods for the setting of ARTS properties
as well as default :code:`setup` and :code:`get_data` methods.

Additionally, the :code:`arts_object` provides functionality for
the propagation of dimension information throughout :code:`parts`. This
is important to enable testing consistency of user-provided data.

import numpy as np
import inspect
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typhon.arts.workspace.variables import WorkspaceVariable, group_names
from typhon.arts.workspace.variables import workspace_variables as wsv
from typhon.arts.workspace import Workspace

# The Dimension class

[docs]class Dimension: """ Service class to keep track of related dimensions throughout an ARTS simulation. A consistent ARTS simulation setup requires provided data to have the same sizes along related dimensions. The :code:`Dimensions` class provides a symbolic representation of these dimensions and provides functionality to propagate information on the values of these dimensions as data is provided by the user. """ # # Singleton classes describing dimensions #
[docs] class P: """Singleton class representing the pressure dimension.""" @classmethod def __repr__(self): return "pressure"
[docs] class Lat: """Singleton class representing the latitude dimension.""" @classmethod def __repr__(self): return "latitude"
[docs] class Lon: """Singleton class representing the longitude dimension.""" @classmethod def __repr__(self): return "longitude"
[docs] class Atm: """ Singleton class representing the number of dimensions of the Atmosphere. """ @classmethod def __repr__(self): return "atmosphere"
[docs] class Los: """ Singleton class representing the line-of-sight dimension. """ @classmethod def __repr__(self): return "line-of-sight"
[docs] class Obs: """ Singleton dimension representing the number of measurement blocks. """ @classmethod def __repr__(cls): return "measurement block"
[docs] class Frq: """Singleton class representing the number of frequencies.""" @classmethod def __repr__(self): return "frequency"
[docs] class Joker: """ Singleton class representing dimensions that can take an arbitrary value. """ pass
dimensions = [P, Lat, Lon, Atm, Los, Obs, Frq, Joker] def __init__(self): """ Create a dimensions object. """ self.dimensions = {}
[docs] def infer(self, dim): """ Infer the value of a dimension. Parameters: dim: Singleton class representing the dimension to lookup. Returns: None if no value has been deduced for the requested dimension. Otherwise a tuple :code:`(value, who)` consisting of an integer value :code:`value` representing the deduced value of the requested dimension as well as a :code:`string` :code:`who` indicating the variable from which the dimensions has been deduced """ if dim is Dimension.Joker: return None if dim in self.dimensions: return self.dimensions[dim] else: return None
[docs] def deduce(self, dim, value, who): """ Add a deduction of a value of a given dimension. This function should be called when data has been provided by the user that allows the deduction of the size of a given dimension if no previous such value has been deduced, i.e. the :code:`infer` method for the same dimension returns :code:`None` Parameters: dim: Singleton class representing the dimension to lookup. value(int): The value of the dimension that could be deduced. who(str): Name of the variable from which the value has been deduced. """ if dim is Dimension.Joker: return None if dim in self.dimensions: other, _ = self.dimensions[dim] if not other == value: raise Exception("A conflicting value for dimension {0} has "\ "aready been deduced.".format(dim)) else: self.dimensions[dim] = (value, who)
################################################################################ # ARTS properties ################################################################################
[docs]def get_shape(obj): """ Get the shape of a :code:'numpy.ndarray' or of a nested list. Parameters(obj): obj: The object of which to determine the shape. Returns: A tuple describing the shape of the :code:`ndarray` or the nested list or :code:`(1,)`` if obj is not an instance of either of these types. """ if hasattr(obj, "shape"): return obj.shape elif type(obj) == list: if obj == []: return (0,) else: return (len(obj),) + get_shape(obj[0]) else: return ()
[docs]def broadcast(shape, obj): """ Broadcast an array or a list to a provided shape. Parameters: shape(tuple): Tuple of :code:`int` describing the shape to broadcast the provided object to. obj(object): The object to broadcast to the provided shape. Either a numpy array or a (nested) list. """ if shape == get_shape(obj): return obj if type(obj) == np.ndarray: return np.broadcast_to(obj, shape) elif type(obj) == list: if len(obj) == 1: return shape[0] * [broadcast(shape[1:], obj[0])] else: return [broadcast(shape[1:], nested) for nested in obj] else: if shape == (): return obj else: raise Exception("Degree of nesting of list is inconsitent with"\ " length of the provided shape tuple.")
[docs]def arts_property(group, shape = None, wsv = None, optional = False): """ The :code:`arts_property` decorator. This decorator turns a function defintion into an ARTS property. Its useage is similar to the :code:`@property` decorator in Python. The ARTS property decorator provides default getter, setter, :code:`setup` and :code:`get_data` methods. The setter as well as the :code:`setup` and :code:`get_data` methods can be overwritten to allow specializing the handling of specific variables. For more details see the :class:`ArtsProperty` class. :: @arts_property def f_grid: return np.array([187e9]) # The default value @f_grid.setter def set_f_grid(self, value): print("Setting the f_grid.") self.value = value @f_grid.setter def set_f_grid(self, value): print("Setting the f_grid.") self.value = value @f_grid.setup def setup_f_grid(self, value): print("Customg setup method.") @f_grid.get_data def get_data_f_grid(self, value): print("Customg setup method.") Parameters: group(str): The ARTS group to which the variable should belong. shape(tuple): Tuple describing the expected shape of the variable. wsv(typhon.arts.workspace.WorkspaceVariable): The workspace variable corresponding to the ARTS property. """ class ArtsPropertySpecialization(ArtsProperty): def __init__(self, fdefault): super().__init__(fdefault, group, shape, wsv, optional) return ArtsPropertySpecialization
ws = Workspace(verbosity = 0)
[docs]class ArtsProperty: """ The :code:`ArtsProperty` class that implements the main functionality of ARTS properties. An ARTS property is an abstract representation of a parameter of an ARTS simulation. This parameter can be set to a fixed value by the user during the setting up of the simulation. In this case the property is said to be *fixed*. Otherwise, and if no default value for the parameter is set, the value will be requested from the data provider. The :code: `ArtsProperty` class implements the follwing functionality: 1. Provide a default setter, that checks consistency with expected ARTS group and shape. 2. Provide a default setup method that sets the value of the corresponding ARTS WSV if the value of the property is set to fixed. The :code:`ArtsProperty` class is to be used through the :code: `arts_property` decorator, which returns a subclass of this class that fixes the :code:`group, shape` and :code:`wsv` values of the :code:`__init__` method. """ def __init__(self, fdefault, group, shape, wsv, optional): """ Create a :code:`ArtsProperty` instance. Parameters: fdefault: Default value for the ARTS Property or :code:`None` if no reasonable default value can be provided. group(str): Name of the ARTS group the value belongs to. shape(tuple): Tuple describing the expected shape of the variable. Set to :code:`None` if no reasonable expected shape can be specified. wsv(typhon.arts.workspace.WorkspaceVariable): Workspace variable corresponding to this ARTS property or :code:`None` if no such WSV exists. optional(Boolean): If True no Exception will be thrown if the data_provider doesn't provide a get method for this property. """ = group self.shape = shape self.optional = optional if not wsv is None: if type(wsv) == str: if hasattr(ws, wsv): wsv = getattr(ws, wsv) else: raise Exception("Workspace variable {0} associated with"\ " ARTS property {1} does not exist."\ .format(wsv, fdefault.__name__)) self.wsv = wsv self.fsetup = None self.fget_data = None self.fset = None = fdefault.__name__ self.fdefault = fdefault
[docs] def get_name(self, owner, separator = "_"): """ Return a qualified name of the ARTS property. This return a name of the ARTS property prefixed by the name of the owner is this object possesses a :code:`name` attribute. Parameters: owner: The object instance that this ARTS property belongs to. separator(str): Char to use to separater the owners name and the name of the ARTS property. """ if hasattr(owner, "name"): name = getattr(owner, "name") + separator else: name = "" name += return name
[docs] def setup(self, fsetup): """ Decorator to set the setup method of the ARTS property. The expected call signature of the setup method is :code:`setup(self, obj, ws)` where :code:`obj` is the owner of the ARTS property. Providing of the :code:`obj` argument of the :code:`setup` method is currently necessary to allow the checking of dimensions. Parameters: fsetup(function): The customized setup function to use for this ARTS property. """ self.fsetup = setup
[docs] def get_data(self, fget_data): """ Decorator to set the :code:`get_data` method of the ARTS property. The expected call signature of the :code:`get_data` method is :code:`get(self, obj, ws, *args, **args)` where :code:`obj` is the owner of the ARTS property. Providing of the :code:`obj` argument of the :code:`setup` method is currently necessary to allow the checking of dimensions. Parameters: fsetup(function): The customized :code:`get_data` method to use for this ARTS property. """ self.fget_data = fget_data
[docs] def setter(self, fset): """ Decorator to set the setter to set the value of this ARTS property. The expected call signature is :code:`set(self, value)` and should set the :code:`value` attribute of the :code:`ArtsProperty` object :code:`self`. Parameters: fset(function): The customized setter to use for this :code:`ArtsPorperty` """ self.fset = fset
[docs] def check_and_convert(self, value): """ Checks type of :code:`value` against the group specification of this ARTS property contained in :code:``. The group specification can be a single string in which case this function will try to convert the provided value to the given group using the :code:`convert` class method of :class:`typhon.arts.workspace.WorkspaceVariable`. It is also possible to specify a list of groups for the expected value. In this case this function simply checks whether the group inferred by :code:`WorkspaceVariable.get_group_id` group of the :code:`` """ if type( == str: converted = WorkspaceVariable.convert(, value) if converted is None: raise Exception("Provided value of type {0} cannot be converted" " to ARTS group {1}".format(type(value), value = converted elif type( == list: g_i = WorkspaceVariable.get_group_id(value) g = group_names[g_i] if not g in raise Exception("Provided value of type {0} is not of any of " " the expected ARTS groups {1}."\ .format(type(value), return value
[docs] def check_and_broadcast(self, value, owner): """ check the shape of a given variable against a symbolic shape specification. Parameters: value(array or list): the object of which to check the shape. who(str): name of the variable of which the shape is checked. Raises: Exception if the shape of :code:`value` is inconsitent with the shape specification the ARTS property. """ who = self.get_name(owner, separator = ".") shape = get_shape(value) if self.shape is None: return value # catch inconsistent number of dimensions. if not len(shape) == len(self.shape): s = "The provided value for {0} has {1} dimensions but {2} were"\ " expected.".format(who, len(shape), len(self.shape)) raise Exception(s) # deduce and compare dimensions. error = "The provided value has dimension {1} along axis {0} but {2}" \ "were expected." deduced = tuple() for i in range(len(self.shape)): # Fixed dimension if type(self.shape[i]) == int: deduced += (shape[i],) if shape[i] == self.shape[i]: continue raise Exception(error.format(i, shape[i], self.shape[i])) # Symbolic dimension elif self.shape[i] in Dimension.dimensions: d = owner.dimensions.infer(self.shape[i]) if d is None: owner.dimensions.deduce(self.shape[i], shape[i], who) deduced += (shape[i],) else: n, who2 = d deduced += (n,) if n == shape[i] or shape[i] == 1: continue s = "The value provided for the {0} property was expected"\ " to match the {1} dimension of the simulation along"\ " axis {2} but this is not the case. The value of the"\ " {1} dimension has been deduced to be to be {3}"\ " from the value of the {4} property." raise Exception(s.format(who, self.shape[i], i, n, who2)) else: raise Exception("Shape specification should consist of either"\ " integers or symbolic dimensions.") value = broadcast(deduced, value) return value
def __get__(self, owner, objtype = None): if owner is None: return self val = owner.__dict__["_" +].value if val is None: val = self.fdefault(owner) return val def __set__(self, owner, value): if not self.fset is None: self.fset(owner, value) return None value = self.check_and_convert(value) if not self.shape is None: value = self.check_and_broadcast(value, owner) ph = owner.__dict__["_" +] ph.fixed = True ph.value = value if not self.wsv is None: if not ph.workspace is None: owner.set_wsv(ph.workspace, self.wsv, value) def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the default or customized :code:`setup` method of the :code:`ArtsProperty` object. """ if self.fsetup is None: self._default_setup(*args) else: self.fsetup(*args, **kwargs) def _get_data(self, owner, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the default or customized :code:`get_data` method of the :code:`ArtsProperty` object. """ if self.fget_data is None: self._default_get_data(owner, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs) else: self.fget_data(owner, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs) def _default_setup(self, owner, ws): """ The default :code:`setup` method of the :code:`ArtsProperty`. This method simply checked whether the value of the :code:`ArtsProperty` was set to a fixed value. If this is the case and the :code:`wsv` attribute contains an associated WSV, the WSVs value in the given workspace :code:`ws` is set. Parameters: owner(obj): The object that this :code:`ArtsProperty` belongs to. ws(arts.typhon.workspace.Workspace): Ths workspace which to setup. """ ph = owner.__dict__["_" +] ph.workspace = ws if self.wsv and ph.fixed: owner.set_wsv(ws, self.wsv, ph.value) def _default_get_data(self, owner, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs): """ The default :code:`get_data` method. It performs the following steps: 1. Check if the :code:`data_provider` provides a get method for the :code:`ArtsProperty`. If so, then set the associated WSV to this value (if given). 2. Check if the value of the :code:`ArtsProperty` is fixed. In this case it has been set already during setup, so no additional action is required. 3. Check if a default value has been provided for the :code:`ArtsProperty`. In this case use this value. 4. Throw an exception if all of the previous steps were unsuccessful in determining the value of the :code:`ArtsProperty`. """ ph = owner.__dict__["_" +] if not ph.fixed: getter_name = "get_" + self.get_name(owner, separator = "_") default = self.fdefault(owner) # Try to get value from provider. if hasattr(data_provider, getter_name): f = getattr(data_provider, getter_name) value = f(*args, **kwargs) value = self.check_and_convert(value) if not self.shape is None: value = self.check_and_broadcast(value, owner) if self.wsv: owner.set_wsv(ws, self.wsv, value) ph = owner.__dict__["_" +] ph.value = value # Check if there's a default value. elif not default is None: ph = owner.__dict__["_" +] ph.value = default if self.wsv: owner.set_wsv(ws, self.wsv, default) # No value - throw exception elif not self.optional: raise Exception("Neither a default value nor a get method " " has been provided for the ARTS property" "{0}.".format(self.get_name(owner, "."))) else: return
[docs]class PlaceHolder: """ Data that is required for an ARTS simulation and can be set either to a fixed value, or taken from a data provider. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a PlaceHolder object representing the property :code:`name` with expected dimensions :code:`dimensions` and expected type :code:`expected_type`. Parameters: name(str): The name of the property for which this object is the placeholder. dimensions(tuple): A tuple of :code:`Dimension` objects describing the expected dimensions of the corresponding property. expected_type(type): The expected type for the corresponding property. """ self.fixed = False self.value = None self.workspace = None
[docs]def add_property(obj, name, dims, t): """ Add an ARTS property to an existing object. Parameters: obj(:code:`object`): The object to add the property to. name(:code: `str`): Name of the property to create dims(:code:`tuple`): Tuple describing the expected dimensions of the property. t(:code:`type`): The expected type of the property. """ getter = make_getter(name) setter = make_setter(name) prop = property(getter, setter, name) setattr(type(obj), name, prop) ph = PlaceHolder(name, dims, t) setattr(obj, "_" + name, ph)
def is_arts_property(obj): return isinstance(obj, ArtsProperty)
[docs]class ArtsObject: """ The :ArtsObject: class provides a base class for objects that bundle ARTS workspace variables and functionality into a conceptual unit. The class provides service functions that automate the handling of ARTS properties. """ def __init__(self): """ Create an :code:`ArtsObject` instance. """ self._wsvs = {} self.dimensions = Dimension() for _, ap in inspect.getmembers(type(self), is_arts_property): self.__dict__["_" +] = PlaceHolder()
[docs] def setup_arts_properties(self, ws): """ Run the :code:`setup` method for all ARTS properties of the class. Parameters: ws(typhon.arts.workspace): The workspace for which to setup the simulation. """ for _, ap in inspect.getmembers(type(self), is_arts_property): ap._setup(self, ws)
def setup(self, ws): self.setup_arts_properties(ws)
[docs] def get_data_arts_properties(self, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the :code:`get_data` method for all ARTS properties of this object. Parameters: ws(typhon.arts.workspace): The workspace for which to setup the simulation. data_provider(obj): The :code:`data_provider` providing the data for the simulation. *args: Additional parameters to be passed on to the data provider. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the data provider. """ for _, ap in inspect.getmembers(type(self), is_arts_property): ap._get_data(self, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs)
def get_data(self, ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs): self.get_data_arts_properties(ws, data_provider, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_wsv(self, ws, wsv, value): """ Sets the given private WSV :code:`wsv` of the object or if the object doesn't have a private copy of :code:`wsv` then sets :code:`wsv` on the workspace :code:`ws`. Parameters: ws(typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace): The workspace in which to set the WSV. wsv(typhon.arts.workspace.variables.WorkspaceVariable): The variable to set. value(obj): The value to set the WSV :code:`wsv` to. """ if in self._wsvs: self._wsvs[].ws = ws self._wsvs[].value = value else: setattr(ws,, value)
[docs] def update_wsv(self, wsv, value): """ Updates the value of a given WSV considering private WSVs of the owner. This requires that the variable has already been set to a value during so that is contains a reference to the workspace in which it is used. Parameters: wsv(typhon.arts.workspace.variables.WorkspaceVariable): The variable to set. value(obj): The value to set the WSV :code:`wsv` to. """ if in self._wsvs: self._wsvs[].value = value else: wsv.value = value
[docs] def call_wsm(self, ws, wsm): """ Call workspace method on the given workspace. This method replaces inputs of the workspace variable with the private WSMs of the object. After execution of the method the results are copied to the private WSMs of the object. Parameters: ws(typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace): The workspace on which to execute the method. wsm(typhon.arts.workspace.WorkspaceMethod): The workspace method to execute. """ args = self.get_wsm_args(wsm), *args) # Copy output for i in wsm.outs: name = WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(i) if name in self._wsvs and not i in wsm.ins: ws.Copy(self._wsvs[name], wsv[name])
def _create_private_wsvs(self, ws, names): """ Create private copies of given WSV names. Parameters: ws(:code:`typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace`): A workspace instance on which to create the workspace variables. names(list): List of strings containing the names of the workspace variables to create. """ for name in names: wsv = ws.__getattr__(name) wsv_private = ws.create_variable(, + "_" + name) self._wsvs[name] = wsv_private
[docs] def get_wsm_args(self, wsm): """ Generate a list of arguments to the given ARTS workspace method :code:`wsm` for which the sensor related input parameters are replace by the ones of this sensor. This is done by checking whether the input argument name is in the sensors :code:`_wsv` dictionary and if so replacing the argument. Parameters: wsm(typhon.arts.workspace.methods.Workspacemethod): The ARTS workspace method object for which to generate the input argument list. Returns: The list of input arguments with sensor specific input arguments replaced by the corresponding WSVs of the sensor. """ args = [] for i in wsm.ins: name = WorkspaceVariable.get_variable_name(i) if name in self._wsvs: args += [self._wsvs[name]] else: args += [wsv[name]] return args